Summer is typically a slower news season. That's why it came as a complete surprise to military observers when today, without warning, West Texas declared itself a nuclear state. The seemingly dormant Super Villain, PJM, came out of hiding this morning and declared that not only is he pursuing nuclear weapons, he's been doing so for years now. CLICK HERE for the original story confirming earlier suspicions in the news report HERE.
Meanwhile, Iran held a national rally this morning welcoming Christoval into the nuclear fold.
When pressed by reporters for an official statement, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, formerly of Samsung, repeated a calming, "Okay, no problem. Thanks for the information. I understand your concern. I'll be with you in just a moment. Thanks for waiting."
There you go ENM. And all you were worried about the grave in his front yard
You've outdone yourself, Nate. How do you think of these things? Funny, funny, funny.
At least worth four hoots and a half!!!
In Texas civil war is imminent since the town of Crawford is now planning to invade Christoval. ‘We will hunt him down’ says George Bush, who has already appointed Dick Cheney as chief general in a desperate attempt to locate the town of Christoval on the map.
At the end, Texas got a flag more different from that one of Chile, hahaha!
Oh my, here it goze agin. I tought yu boyz put dis fuden behine you.
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