London 2012: Winning the gold for worst logo ever
There are of course plenty of things to annoy me. Firstly, the logo is atrocious! It reminds me of some kind of bargain brand soda logo from the 80s. Then there's the font! You'd think that they could have adopted some kind of updated neoclassical design, but the font continually assaults my eyes.
I feel like Max Headroom should be trying to sell me New Coke with this font. And I don't care if the Olympic rings are round, it doesn't make the round O in this font any more hip. As one columnist said, it's what the Brits call "dad dancing." That is something akin to a middle aged man trying way too hard to still be cool.
But it's not just the Brits that mangled the Olympics. What was with our outfits at the opening ceremony?
I suppose it matched the 80s throwback theme, but really berets? Yeech! Kind of like some kind of odd flight attendant uniforms from yesteryear.
And while I'm on my rant, here are a few other things that irk me...
I don't like watching our goofy American network television hosts and now they've got them over in the UK being equally ignorant of British history, culture, and sports in general. Perhaps it's just a TV thing, but it seems as though television keeps shooting for an ever lower mental age. Another thing that bothers me is how the television broadcasts cut between events as though they were live or talk in a giddy excited fashion when the events have been posted half a day earlier on the Internet. Just show the event in realtime and allow people to watch if they'd like.
Maybe my discontent is just my noticing our degraded popular culture. I still find tattoos rather trashy and it seems as though more and more of society is getting them. That bothers me a little too and I've seen more during the olympics than I seem to remember.
Maybe it's time for me to just stop watching the olympics. It certainly seems as though people have stopped attending them. I do find it funny that Britain has enlisted the military to serve as seat fillers at the games.
Someone should tell them though that camouflage only works if you look like your surroundings – they should have probably told them to come in civilian clothes as it would have looked more realistic. I can only imagine what our press would have said if the Chinese had filled their stadiums with uniformed soldiers instead of the general public.
Well, thanks. I think I have that off my chest. I'll still watch the games, but thank goodness I have a DVR and can fast forward through much of the nonsense.