I was speaking with a city maintenance worker recently when the conversation somehow turned to the trouble with keeping structures free of bird droppings. He provided me an interesting statistic: A single pigeon produces its weight in poop every eight days. Skeptical, I googled this when I returned home and it appears he might be correct. No wonder the cleanup is such an ongoing process.
Interesting info on Crawford Long. Thanks, Nate.
Many buildings now have those closely-spaced, upright nails on all the horizontal beams under the eaves to combat the bird problem. I don't remember seeing them years ago.
Woa! Thats is quite a fact! Animal rights folks will hate me, but I can get really aggravated with some birds. We don't have pigeons, but we do have a pack of crows that comes around that has screams so loud you can hardly hear yourself. On the other hand we have some red tailed hawks that are magnificent.
It's true that crows can be loud, but a crow is one bird that seldom complains without just caws.
Hahaha, very punny Virgil!
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