Saturday, October 06, 2012


One of the nicest things about my new school is that for the first time, I'm teaching at a building with a library on site.  I love taking my students there and looking over the titles.  As I spied one book, it made me think of a scene like the one in today's contest and it brought back pleasant memories, like a friend I had forgotten.

Below you will find an image of a place somewhere in the world.  The winner will be the first one who can tell me where it is located.  For the extra daring, try and guess the book.

Good luck!

So, where could this be?  That's the mystery!  Go ahead and take a guess and then go enjoy your day.  Check back tomorrow and I'll reveal the answer.  The first correct post will be declared the winner.

If you'd like to make sure that your guess is correct, enter this place name into Google Images and photos like these will be found on the first pages of the image results.

Or if you're just stopping by, thanks for visiting.  And why not leave a suggestion today for a good book you've read.


DADD said...

Well, they look like Umbrella Thorn
trees from Africa to me, but the tree trunk look a little thick to me.

DADD said...

They are also called Acacia tortilis

DADD said...

Or the Israeli Babool

Anonymous said...

Socotra Island


Anonymous said...

Socotra Island


Nate Maas said...

Congratulations, Jack! Nicely done.

Lynn B. said...

The tree is a Dracaena cinnabari if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

Impressive Dragon tree, fascinating island. I hope it will be spared from tourism and war.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

That image reminds me of Richard Dean's album covers he did for prog-rock band Yes in the 1970's.

Virgil S. said...

A book I would recommend to all and sundry is
"Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero" by Henryk Sienkiewicz.
Well, to almost all. It's not exactly light reading.
This was part of the reason for the awarding of the 1905 Nobel Prize for literature to Henryk Sienkiewicz and has been made into a movie repeatedly - the movie I saw did not come close to the book's quality, I thought.

Nate Maas said...

Mike, yes, I can certainly see that!

Virgil, thanks for the recommendation. I've seen it on TV, but never read it in print. Perhaps someday. Thanks.

virginiadavis said...

good not a minute of dullness. And also, the app is creating for the privacy they maintain for all the updates/features nice.

Teresa Halminton said...

Dragon Blood tree from Yemen. This is the distinctive species of Yemen island.
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