Who could I be? That's the mystery! Go ahead and take a guess and then go enjoy your day. Check back tomorrow and I'll reveal the answer. The first correct post will be declared the winner.
Only the older of these two needs to be identified, although bonus points will be awarded if you want to go for both.
I have no idea, but does someone know what the little SV with a circle around it & the word 'submit' at the bottom of the blog post means?
It's actually the logo for StumbleUpon a fun new website I found. This is the referral button for that site.
Thanks for explaining. I see that it is a site that requires another password. UGH. My life is passworded out.
It also looks like you are going to give us some kind of hint. My search for "1930s old men with lots of hair" was interesting, but not revealing. Or else everyone is out having an adventure, except those of us still snowed in.
I'm watching my oldest son at a swim meet right now, so I can't post to the main page from my phone, but the mystery theme for today is "fighter."
I'll start with Jack Dempsey just because he had lots of hair & lived to a ripe old age. Can't find any pictures of him as an older man.
Free style? Backstroke? Butterfly? Diving?
Sorry, Judi, not Dempsey, but thanks for guessing. It looks pretty lonely here today, just you and me.
Where are you, Roger? I know you are snowed in too. Is your computer down?
Izzy Jannazzo
Max Baer
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