Saturday, March 05, 2011


Who could we be?  That's the mystery!  Go ahead and take a guess and then go enjoy your day.  Check back tomorrow and I'll reveal the answer.  The first correct post to identify both men at the table will be declared the winner.


DAG said...

Looks like another tough one Nate.

My out of the blue guess is Pancho Villa and Zapata.

Go ahead tell me I'm wrong, I can take it.

Chuck Kelly said...

He looks like Pancho Villa, but the clothes suggest Emiliano Zapata. I'll go with Villa as an initial guess.

Chuck Kelly said...

DAG's answer didn't show when I made my guess. Also, I didn't read closely enough to see you wanted both men. Now I'm sure it's Zapata & Villa.

Nate Maas said...

As of yet, no correct guesses. Sorry guys.

Roger said...

Georgia Washington Carver

Nate Maas said...

Roger, both men need to be identified for the win, but I'll give you a hint, it is not G. W. Carver.


Where on Earth do you get these obscure photos. It looks like a scene out of present day LaMont, California.

Nate Maas said...

Maybelline, I usually start with something on my mind and then I find a picture. I had seen this photo years ago, but there was something that reminded me of one of these individuals this week.

Anonymous said...

Please remove the overlay to the photo.

Nate Maas said...

Mary, the overlay is used to prevent image searches on the Internet. I've posted a new photo that is not searchable.

Ellena said...

Pancho Villa and John Reed?

Nate Maas said...

Ellena, I'm sorry to say, neither are the men you guessed.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps clues or answers would be helpful for those random searchers like myself. ;-)

Nate Maas said...

Dear Anon,

Most Saturdays we run a new contest at 8 am Pacific Time. The answers are usually given in the post immediately afterwards. You just stumbled upon one from a year ago.

Hope that helps!

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