Saturday, March 05, 2011


Same two Persons-of-Mystery, different view.  Hope it helps!


Anonymous said...

Pancho Villa and Wyatt Earp.

Nate Maas said...

Sorry, Michael. It is neither Villa nor Earp, but thanks for guessing all the same.

al_luz812 said...

Nate, is it pascual orozco and pancho villa?

Nate Maas said...

al luz, thanks for the guess, but these two are neither of those men.

Merideth in Wyoming said...

I haven't a clue but I cannot wait to find out! I bet it's another neat history story thanks to Nate!

Ellena said...

I spent all afternoon yesterday reading about Pancho Villa and can't wait to read what's coming up next. No idea who these two men are. The words 'different view' under this picture missled me a bit. I thought that they(words) were refering to their minds.
Oh well-read wrong biography but learned a lot. Good enough.

Unknown said...

Robert Louis Stevenson and King Kakakua


If this is a second message it's because Google blew me off

mary said...

Mary Lynn I think you are correct. Isn't it interesting that we all started searching for a latino and the person was Hawaiian?

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is indeed Robert Louis Stevenson and King Kalākaua (the latter looks like a twin brother of Pancho Villa, or maybe our brain is washed by the continuous flow of bandits at OPOD). Well done Mary Lynn!